Thursday, December 25, 2008


II Peter 3:8-15
December 7, 2008

Yesterday I exercised for 25 minutes;
Today I exercised for 25 minutes,
Tomorrow, it’s Monday, isn’t it, I will
exercise for 30 minutes.
Exercise helps my circulation, and my
muscle and bones, and my mind.
Today I thank God for my body and my mind..

II Peter is the book in the Bible that is the fifth
book before Revelation. If you take your fingers and
work your way backwards, you will find—Revelation, Jude,
Third John, Second John, and First John and II Peter.
Exercise is also good for the soul. Thank you Lord!

II Peter, chapter 3, beginning with verse 8 says, “Do not ignore
this fact…, with the Lord one day is a thousand years
and a thousand years is one day.” Then it says, some of
you think God is slow; but really, God is patient with you.
You must learn this, the Day of the Lord is going to come
just when you don’t expect it. It’s going to come like
a thief at night. (How many of you had your house broken
into? How many of you had your car broken into?)

Once a man asked God how long is a million years in God’s term.
God said, “It’s just like a second of your time, my child?”
So the man asked, “What about a million dollars?” The
Lord said, “To me, it’s just like a single penny.” So the
man lit up and asked, “Well, Lord, could I have one of
your pennies? And God said, “Certainly, my child, just
a second?

So what is time?
In the eyes of God, a thousand years is like
one day and one day is like a thousand years.
The theme for my sermon today is 11:59.
When Jesus came, he believed that the end of
time was on hand. The hour was 11:59.
The hour today is still 11:59. Jesus said that his
return can be any moment. There were two in the field, one was
taken and the other was left. (Matthew 24:40)


Jesus came into this world to teach us many lessons
about life.
Some of us live unproductive lives, we waste time, we
waste our bodies.
Jesus came to that we may have life and have it more
abundantly. He came to prepare us for the last
hour — 11:59. With one minute left, are we ready?

Two weeks ago, my wife and I went to the Charger’s game
against the Indianapolis Colts. By the way, Thank
You for the Charger tickets. There were 68,400 plus
people there. It was a good game. It was a lousy
game. It was an exciting game. It was a disappointing game.
The Chargers could have… yes, they could’ve have
won. With a minute and 38 seconds left, they scored
a field goal. The score Charger 20, Colts 20. All the Chargers
had to do was hold the Colts for 10 and it would have been
over time. They couldn’t. With 3 seconds left, Indianapolis
scored a 51 yard field goal; score Chargers 20, Cots 23.. For
` the fourth time this season, the Chargers lost in the last 60 seconds.

The hour is 11:59 p.m.
Did you practice enough to win the game?
The hour is 11:59 p.m.
If you have an emergency, do you have enough
gas in your car to run to the hospital?
The hour is 11:59 p.m.
Did you study enough to pass the biology exam?
The hour is 11:59 p.m.
If you are asked, “Did you do all your chores?
Did you finish the task you were sent here to finish?
Can you say, Yes!”
The hour is 11:59 p.m.
If you have a knock at your door, and Jesus
whispers, “Ready?” Will you be ready?

If you have a dollar bill, will you take it out, please? This dollar bill is
a reminder to us that our nation was built on Divine
Providence. On the face of the dollar bill is a pyramid.
It represents the building of our nation. The break in the
pyramid tells us that this country is not yet complete.
Directly above the pyramid is the seeing eye of
God. This emphasizes that spiritual well-being
is more important than material prosperity. The
builders of our nation believed that our strength
is rooted in God and our progress will always be
under the watchful eye of God. The words above


the pyramid Annuit Coeptis refers to the Almighty
and means, “He has smiled on our undertakings.”
Below the pyramid are the Latin words novus ordo
seclorum means, “A new order of the ages.” And
you will find the words, “In God We Trust.”
This explanation is from Norman Vincent Peale.

The hour is 11:59 p.m. and Jesus may come in the twinkling
of a eye. Let us prepare for his coming.

I close with these thoughts.
If I can throw a single ray of light across the
darkened pathway of another; if I can aid some
soul to clearer sight of life and duty; and thus
bless (another); if I can wipe from any human
cheek a tear; I shall not have lived my life in vain.

If I can guide some erring one to truth, inspire,
within his heart a sense of duty; if I can plant within
my soul of rosy youth a sense of right, a love of
truth and beauty; if I can reach one (other person)
that God and heaven are near, I shall not then have
lived in vain while here.

If from my mind I banish doubt and fear, and keep
my life attuned to love and kindness; if I can scatter
light and hope and cheer, and help remove the curse
of mental blindness; if I can make more joy, more
hope, less pain, I shall not have loved in vain.

If by life’s roadside I can plant a tree, beneath whose
shade some wearied head may rest, though I may
never share its beauty, I shall yet be truly blest—
though no one knows my name, nor drops of flower
upon my grave, I shall not have lived in vain while
here. —Author Unknown

The hour is 11:59; Jesus calls again:
“Are you ready?”

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